Time Lapse Video of making mural “Freedom”

3d street painting and 3d mural "Freedom"

Final result with my time lapse of making mural “Freedom” in Kiev. Post about here http://maksiov.com/standard/mural-freedom-in-kiev-ukraine.html https://www.instagram.com/maksiov/

Mural “Freedom” in Kiev, Ukraine

3d mural "Fredom" in Kiev

Yesterday I completed work on my new mural “Freedom”  within the project ArtUnitedUs  you can read on the site http://artunitedus.com, work on it had to begin in mid-April, but for technical reasons the project was postponed for a few weeks and just started on 4 May. Three days were spent for preparing wall. It turned out […]

3d street painting how to draw?

3d street painting in Germany

My readers continue to ask me:” Will be the next tutorial about 3d street painting?” And how to draw 3d painting? I have to say that in previous posts, here you can find it: 3d street painting for dummies or how to do 3d anamorphic painting?    and part 2 : How to do 3d street […]

3d mural “Wasp”

3d Mural 'Wasp', Germany, Krefeld 2015

Here is Time Lapse video of making 3d mural in Krefeld last summer Post about here:  3d street painting in the wood https://www.instagram.com/maksiov/  

3d street painting in the wood

3d Mural 'Wasp', Germany, Krefeld 2015

It’s a first and small festival in the city, but very interesting with integration (like painting in the wood), took place in early August.  Curated  by friend of mine, artist from Germany Frederike Wouters (she does 3d street painting as well). With the filing Edgar Müller– well known with giant 3d street painting artworks. The City […]

3d painting on the street of Millenia walk, Singapore

3d mural in Commune Cafe, Singapore

Here is time lapse video of making 3d mural for “Commune Cafe” in Millenia walk shopping mall, Singapore. 3d mural completed the end of 2015 Here was post about it: 3d mural or 3d street painting https://www.instagram.com/maksiov/

3d mural or 3d street painting?

3d mural in Commune Cafe, Singapore

What’s the difference between 3d mural * and conventional 3d street painting on the pavement? No difference, the same 3d effect, the only difference is plane, in this case it’s vertical plane. Here is one example of work in this technique made by me in Singapore in December 2015. Makes decoration of Commune Cafe in […]

Sliema Street Art Festival, Malta

Sliema street art festival

Some 3d painting from Malta Street Art festival 2014 which took place in Sliema city in mid-July. As I already told in previous post. The festival consist of more than graffiti artists. And the first time this year the organizers decided to invite several 3d-artists to the Sliema Street Art Festival. On one of the […]