3d street painting “World”

Recent 3d street painting “World” at BadAstronaut brewing as a part of the Urban Art festival SprayCityWalls in Houston 2022.

3D street painting as a part f Urban Art, often referred to as three-dimensional painting, involves the creation of artwork that gives the illusion of depth and volume on a flat surface. Artists use techniques such as shading, perspective. And chiaroscuro to create the visual effect of objects or scenes appearing lifelike and three-dimensional. This form of painting you can see in various styles and mediums, ranging from traditional canvases to digital art, and it often plays with the viewer’s perception to evoke a sense of depth and realism.

3d street painting 'World' in Houston 2022.
3d street painting ‘World’ at BadAstronaut brewing in Houston 2022.


More 3d art: https://maksiov.com/3d-drawings-portfolio-and-3d-street-paintings


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