3d painting “Kids Play Monsters”

3d straßenmalerei in Ingolstadt

Recent picture from the 3d street art festival Frankenstein 4.0 Ingolstadt, Germany with my 3d street painting  “Kids Play Monsters”. 3d painting story connected with great theme of Frankenstein 4.0 . Which is very famous for the city! That’s because Ingolstadt is a setting in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, where the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates his monster. I believe is it good chance to promote this theme to make city more famous exactly with this novel. There is one nice person in that city who’s trying to do it in artistic way, it’s Beate Diao.

Many thanks to you for your hospitality and support! I wish you a great success with promoting theme and hope one time city be able to make a real cool museum of Frankenstein! Also many thanks to Frederike Wouters for making this festival possible and all technical support, without her it couldn’t be done. And to my artist friends who’s taken part in. I hope my  3d painting “Kids Play Monsters” will really help for promotions for museum of Frankenstein!

Here is some links from the event with other 3d street paintings:



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