Step by step to transfer our 3d design.
So in this article I am continuing with method of creation 3d street painting. The first part starts from here: 3d street painting for dummies or how to do 3d anamorphic painting? 3d anamorphic painting can be made by any kind of material: by chalk or paint (acrylic or gouache) it’s up to you.

Your 3d street painting design and view plane.
- In a previous post, we have made a grid in a promising reduction on the plane, according to the selected parameters sizes of grid squares 1,5×1,5 ft (AB segment length). The height of the human figure on the picture and the height of the beholder, who is standing on the main viewpoint is 5,5 ft., Distance to the viewpoint, 6 ft. As you can see in the photo below, placing our “apple sketch” on the grid we got, our 3d street painting on the site should look exactly the same as in our sketch, i.e. without distortion and deformation.
Human figure and 3d painting Putting grid
- After that we need to draw a grid without distortion. This is our projection sketch, we will work on the site and transfer the image onto the pavement to get real 3d art. Now making our grid at the edge of the picture plane, which is our line H. The grid will be parallel to the picture plane and perpendicular to the plane of the base, i.e. the “asphalt”. The size of the grid squares is the same, 1,5 ft, in the sketch of course you have it in your chosen scale.
View plane and your sketch Crossing lines
- Next… Keep your eyes on it… Let’s make a number of the squares. Draw beam, I called it “projection beam” from the viewpoint N, to the point of any intersection of our 3d art with a grid that lies in the perspective. I choose the edge of a apple leaf – it’s on our grid lines in the perspective (square base C2 ). Crossing our grid that is parallel to us. The projection beam makes a point, which is the edge of our apple leaf.
Finalising our 3d street painting
In this artful way we find all crossing points on our grid. Points that falls to the axis line, you can count by proportional calculation. To achieve more accurate result in making details and lines of your 3d painting, you should set smaller cell pitch. After we found all points we connect them with a smooth line, like small kids in the kindergarten ;)… 3d art in our projection sketch is done! Wow!

As you can see from our result we’ve got our sketch deformed. So after that we have to transfer it to the pavement in the real spot, where you’ve already made the grid..
The same way you make your painting on the walls and ceilings. Thank you for reading this! Hope my article will help you, good luck!
P.S. And do not forget that the 3d street painting or sidewalk chalk, 3d drawings and etc. And it’s primarily a picture that requires drawing and painting skills, possession of color and composition, otherwise, it may not turn out spectacular.
Cont 3d street painting how to draw?. For instance there is life journal page with my 3d art for Russian speaking people